Tagged: Homemade


HomeMade Summercamp 2024 Obere Wechten

This year we are meeting at the Guesthaus “Obere Wechten” for our HomeMade Summercamp. The House is located in the beautiful region of solothurn Jura. The registraton for the week is already open. Please reserve your place soon. The HomeMade Summercamp is...


HomeMade Summercamp 2023 Berghaus Girlen

For our HomeMade Summercamp we will stay at the Berghaus Girlen above Ebnat-Kappel this year. The registraton for the week is already open. Please reserve your place soon. The HomeMade Summercamp is a mechatronic research week open to everyone who likes to...


Homemade Summercamp 2022 in Alp Wang

This year we will go to the mountains of Hoch-Ybrig on Alp Wang for our the Homemade Summercamp. The registraton for the week is already open. Please reserve your place soon. What is the Homemade Summercamp anyway? Workshops, Talks, self organised work...


1st release of Mechatronic Art Music

During the last Homemade Summercamp in Petit-Vivy the idea for the Mechatronic Art Music Label was born. This was triggered by the extensive recording sessions of many artist during the research week. The exiting result is the 1st release of the Mechatronic...


Homemade Summercamp 2021 in Petit Vivy

For the Homemade summercamp we will meet in the Petit Vivy castle this year. The registraton for the week is already open. Please reserve your place soon. What is it all about? Workshops, Talks, self organised work on individual or community projects...


Homemade Summercamp 2020 in St. Ursanne

This year we will meet in St. Ursanne for our Homemade summercamp. The registraton for the week is already open. Please reserve your place soon. What is it all about? Workshops, Talks, self organised work on community projects and hopefully plenty of...


SGMK Summercamp Impressionen

Here a little picture gallery of our 1 week in the Villa Kunterbunt in the cool Glarus mountains. Aside from sharing yummie food, we shared knowledge in workshops and talks, we collaborated on our own projects and and discovered new ones. For...


Homemade summercamp 2019 in Schwanden

We will meet for one week of mechatronic projects in the beautiful mountains of Glarus. The registration for the Homemade summercamp 2019 is now open. Please reserve your place soon. What is it all about? Workshops, Talks, self organised work on community...