SGMK on-Tour 005: Weltraum, St. Gallen

SGMK is on Tour again! This time to the far far east of Switzeralnd, St. Gallen.

Together with our friends from Weltraum,sg we invite you all for a get-together weekend of talks, workshops, electronic music, ferments and destillates, food and discussions!

You find more detailed information on the wiki:,_St._Gallen

Location: Fürstenlandstrasse 103, 9014 St. Gallen



18h: Welcome greets and drinks

19h: Cider Tasting Worshop with František Apfelbeck, Algoldor from Food Hacking Base

21h: Foobar / talks and project demos (schedule will be done on-site)


14h: Weltraum is open, get-together, open Workshops

16h: Kimchi Fermentation Workshop with František Apfelbeck

21h Concerts: Omega Attraktor, SGMK all-stars

22h: Open Jam session (bring your own synths noise & toys)


11h: Brunch |Discussion on future collaborations and networks

13h: Family workshops

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