SGMK On-Tour #001: Visit to LaborLuzern meets TAMI (Tel Aviv Makers Intl.) | 26/27 Jan 2019
For Winter/Spring 2019 we are proud to announce the first event in our series of SGMK On-Tour, where we want to connect more actively with various cities/spaces/communities in our network.

This time we invite all the SGMK community to visit the newly re-opened Labor Luzern in their new space in Kriens! And we also have a whole group of international visitors joining the event from Tel Aviv Makers, and other friends from Prague ranging from lickable electronics hacker, edible bitcoin geeks and fermentation maniacs
Saturday 14-23
14:00 Meet and Hack
19:00 Introductions / Snacks
Intro and Tour of Labor Luzern
Short introductions by international guests
21:00 Bring your own Synth, Jam-evening, Drinks
Sunday 11-23h
11:00 Brunch and Lickable Circuits
SGMK-On-Tour invites to meet local and global makers, upcoming tour program
15:00 Workshopology Meet-up: minimal electronics, flexible PCBs and ATTINY-geeking
19:00 Dinner, details tba
Our great Hosts!
Livia Müller and the team at Labor Luzern
Our amazing Guests
Yair Reshef (IL)
Denisa Kera (CZ/ES/global)
Markéta Dolejšová (CZ)
Zohar Messeca-Fara (IL)
Coordinated by SGMK On-Tour with Marc Dusseiller
Yaaay! SGMK on tour! watch out world (bzw. Luzern) !!! –