dusjagr’s workshops around the globe 2023/24

TUAK Residensi, East Java, Indonesia, May 2023

During a trip to Indonesia in Spring 2023, I was happy to get involved in a small group residency / open lab named TUAK – “Terbuka Untuk Aku dan Kamu”, hosted by Prewangan studio in a small fishing village, near Tuban. Besides exploring the local “tuak” traditions, we spent a lot of shairng time together, learning about new workshop concepts, making “beach style” PCB designs and etching throughout the night with our simple lab set up outdoors. We revisited classic circuits using the CMOS 4093 chip, used for example in the MicroNoise workshop, or even simpler in the “Vive-la-Residence” ultra simple humidity sonifciation or many other DIY workshops. Also we looked into making our own Attiny85 programmers and explored  Ralf’s workshop, the Record & Play, which we developed further to include 2 motors and made new PCB designs, documented here.

Thailand Trip, Dec 23 & Jan 24

Chiang Mai – Happy NoisYear and Chiang Mai Cheese Fest

It began with a first “sharing session”, where (besides eating cheese) we talked about various projects around the hackteria network and initiated a series of HTEAA together with Takemura Masato on “how to eat almost anything”  eager to learn more about “extreme foods” and activities happening in Chaing Mai and in Thailand in general, bridging art, science & technology, from BioArt networks to Maker movements. After receiving a great interest into a more hands-on workshop, we then organized a nice Happy NoisYear soldering session some time later.

“Together with Helmi and dusjagr, we will build a simple do-it-yourself synthesizer, based on the “classic” µ-Noise circuit by SGMK, made since 2008 thousands of times all over the world! Only with a few electronic components, resistors, IC, potentiometer, light sensors, we will solder the little noisy toy and jam together. We will guide you into “how to solder”, describe and explain the circuit, make electronic music with square wave oscillators and LFO. All particpants will make their own synth and can take it home!”

This was then followed up with another larger event series, a 5 day open lab held at Pa rang cafe & Art stay

เหลู้าบ – Laab Lu Lao CoLaboratory is a “do-it-with-others” Art & Science open laboratory. Our goal is to gather the enthusiastic people and work on various multidisciplinary and speculative projects. We organize a 5-days “OPEN LAB” session for everyone to access. We are providing a space for share equipment, material, consulting, workshop and opensource for learning and working on projects. There will be workshops from the organizer. However, there also a flexible session for participant to decide. The session has no limit to creativity – let’s see how the open source community bring us to the next level of imagination.

Wonderfruit Festival – Rachaburi, Thailand

Great times at Wonderfruit Festival, working together with Arnont Nongyao, sound artist from Chiang Mai and earlier Hacker-in-residence at SGMK MechArtLab in Spring 2023.

Great also to visit our friends from Waft Lab, who built a whole lab / scultpure from waste and recycled materials to hold workshops in soldering, music, soil cooking and smoking “nongkrong” style. Some of their workshops included a modified version of the MicroNoise for soil moisture sonification and also the “classic” Mötörbörd, developed by various people from the SGMK network, Helmi met during his BIR residency in summer 2023.

Radiona Residency, Zagreb, March 2024

Workshop: “RnB” – Record n Beyond

RnB – Record n Beyond is a make-listen-create workshop involving a simple electronic circuit that we will build together, to control and program two individual motors, which can be used to create kinetic sound sculptures. During the workshop the participants will be introduced into the basics of soldering and electronic components using the very accessible method of “paper-bits“. The circuit allows the user to record and play/loop patterns of “beats” which then make the motors move, wiggle, twist, flip various objects that can be crafted into a kinetic sound machine. Together with the whole group of participants we will construct a room filling sound sculpture, using found objects and recycled materials, to explore different noises and materialities collaboratively. This workshop has been inspired by Ralf Schreiber (DE) who describes it as follows:
“A workshop where participants will build small electro-mechanical solo drum machines from single DC motors and small circuit boards. The workshop will experiment with different kinds of sounding materials (metal pieces, stones, springs, paper, etc), where the machines will oscillate freely and develop their own individual sound quality. Once built the machines will be used to explore fundamental musical structures.”

This workshop was part of dusjagr’s mini Hacker-in-Residency hosted by Radiona. More about the workshop and the residency is here on the wiki.

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