Category: CoolShitNotFromUs
Hallo ihr Maker, Macher*, Tüftler*, Werkler* und Selberbastler* !! Die SGMK (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Mechatronische Kunst und das Dock18 ( organisieren dieses Jahr wieder ein DIY Gathering, ein 2 Tage Festival für und von DIY Enthusiasten*, mechatronischen Künstlern, Tech Nerds und Nerdettes! Zusätzlich möchten...
What a nice community and synth-store in Barcelona. dusjagr was happy to have the opportunity for doing a workshop with the new Special Limited Edition of the 8Bit Mixtape NEO “Mutan Monkey” in Barcelona. See more photos on this gdrive
The SGMK will run a walk-in workshop during the minimakerfaire in Zurich. The Zurich Mini Maker Faire opens doors september 15-16, 2018 at Dynamo. The SGMK will be there for different walk-in workshops. On saturday you can build your own crappy robot...
DIY Festival with Workshops, Talks and Performances in Zürich. The DIY Gathering „Flick the World“ offers workshops for children and adults, an exhibition shows works from the network of SGMK and Dock18. There will be room to talk and performances in the...