Author: marc dusseiller


Archipelago Tour of Summercamps 2025

We are happy to announce a special collaboration for this year to combine our beloved HOME MADE summercamp with our friends from Bretagne, who have been hosting the Artlabo Retreat, “a week of creating in and with nature” on the Île de...


X-MAS Umtrunk 2024

When: Saturday, 7. Dec 2024, Party starting at 17:00 On 7th December it is time again for the legendary SGMK X-MAS Umtrunk. Get your blinkeshit and raclette ovens ready for an evening of workshops, tasty food and drink, presentations and of course...


Brushology – Ways of painting with a mechatronic brush

Artist Talk / Discussion with Dominik Mahnič and Sofie Mart (Uncorporated Studio) When16:00 Saturday 9. November 2024 WhereSchmutzi, ZWZ 1st Floor, Neue Hard 12, 8004 Zürich We are happy to announce an interesting discussion with two artist sharing similar interests in extending...


dusjagr’s workshops around the globe 2023/24

TUAK Residensi, East Java, Indonesia, May 2023 During a trip to Indonesia in Spring 2023, I was happy to get involved in a small group residency / open lab named TUAK – “Terbuka Untuk Aku dan Kamu”, hosted by Prewangan studio in...


SGMK Day: Workshop, Assembly and Concerts

Date and Location: 24. June 2023 – MechArtLab @ Bitwäscherei We are happy to invite you all to spend a day together in our lab! We have a great programme with workshops to build your own 8bit synths, a series of noise...


SGMK x-mas Umtrunk 2022 @ L200

Wir freuen uns euch alle wieder mal zu treffen und laden ein zum GROSSEN SGMK X-MAS UMTRUNK!!! Dieses Mal erneut auf Besuch bei unseren Freunden im L200, an der Langstrasse 200, Zürich. Es gibt Apéro, Snacks und Drinks, wie auch ein gemeinsames...


WORKSHOP: KaosGlam with Pin – 10. September

Find all info and registration on the wiki: KaosGlam with Paula Pin – Saturday, 10. September Info and Regsitration 🄳🄰🅃🄴: Saturday 10. September, 2022 🅃🄸🄼🄴: 15:00 – 19:00 🄻🄾🄲🄰🅃🄸🄾🄽: MechArtLab, 3. Stock, ZWZ, Neue Hard 12, Zürich


Synth Soldering wiht JACQNOISE – 29. Jan 2022

“The afternoon is more than just soldering, it is also trying out new modules, talking and creating noise!!” . Jacky Noise Location: SGMK MechArtLab @ Bitwäscherei, ZWZ, Neue Hard 12, 3rd Floor. Begin: 14h  Duration: 3 hour workshop  Memories… Register As Soon as Possible!! So the...


SGMK on-Tour 005: Weltraum, St. Gallen

SGMK is on Tour again! This time to the far far east of Switzeralnd, St. Gallen. Together with our friends from Weltraum,sg we invite you all for a get-together weekend of talks, workshops, electronic music, ferments and destillates, food and discussions! You...